Linking Revenue to the Timetable

This online resource provides business leaders, governors and the entire senior leadership team with a flexible and practical training package, outlining the link between revenue and the school timetable and providing support with the development of your strategic plan.

How this resource will:
  • Help business leaders make a strong communication link with the timetable team and vice versa.
  • Outline key points linking the revenue and timetable.
  • Show how teacher deployment can be used to plan a curriculum within the context of a balanced budget.
  • Explain the use of a minimum set of simple numbers as school financial and curriculum cost targets.
  • Provide notes and spreadsheets for the user to build on and develop to suit their own circumstances.
  • Work on financial efficiency and supports all types of school: primary, secondary, middle, UTC, academy and LA maintained.
For a one-off payment of £99 +VAT you will have access to a short introductory video, five training videos and supporting resources.
Payment can be made via PayPal, which provides instant access to the training videos. Click here to buy now.

Alternatively, if you prefer to be invoiced, please complete the order form below (there will be a short delay in receiving the link while we process the payment).

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