ASCL Benevolent Fund

Appointment of Trustee

The ABF, with assets of £1.5 million and regulated through the Charities Commission, provides help or support to a considerable number of current and former ASCL members and their dependants each year.

The registered charity is managed by a group of trustees, all members or former members of the association.  The Trustees have produced a short film about the work of the ABF which can be viewed here

The board of trustees seeks to fill a vacancy and welcomes expressions of interest from members, including Associates.

ASCL is an equal opportunities employer, and we encourage applications regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. 

The post is voluntary, but expenses can be claimed for the fulfilment of duties.

The postholder will work from home, although there may be regular contact with and occasional visits to ASCL HQ in Leicester. IT and telephone equipment are not provided.

Closing date for applications is noon, Monday 31 March 2025

Trustee application information
Trustees meet as a group three times a year and are also involved in making decisions about individual applications for support outside the context of the meetings.  Trustees have responsibility for managing the assets of the ASCL Benevolent Fund and ensuring good governance.

Trustees need to be empathetic to the needs of applicants and to maintain confidentiality at all times.

There are eleven trustees, three appointed by ASCL Council, two by the Associates Committee, and six by trustees of the ABF. 

Trustees seek to make an appointment at their meeting in May 2025. Trustees serve for an initial term of five years, with eligibility for re-appointment.

Please apply by email, addressed to, no later than noon, Monday 31 March 2025, including a letter of up to 500 words setting out why you believe you would be an effective trustee and giving information about your links with ASCL and your current or previous employment. Please also give the contact details of two referees and confirm that they have given their permission for us to contact them.

Related Pages

ASCL Benevolent Fund

  • Benefits
  • ASCL
  • Benevolent
  • Associates