ASCL Benevolent Fund

Providing support and care for all ASCL members, past and present, and their dependents

While most members, active and in post, are unlikely to need help, a serious accident, redundancy, chronic illness or disability can change the situation traumatically.

Whether it is a short-term financial crisis or a long-term problem, ABF is available to help.

Originally established in 1980 as the SHA Benevolent Fund, ABF is a registered charity, administered by independent trustees, all of whom are serving or retired members of the association.

The fund itself has been built up over the years entirely by the voluntary donations of members.

Last year, ABF assisted over 40 beneficiaries, some of whom were long-term cases and others short-term emergencies.

Support was given in the form of regular payments, specific grants for treatment or equipment relating to illness or disability, assistance with domestic emergencies and occasional gifts.

Over 83% of cases were members who had not yet reached retirement, some of them in mid-career with young families.

ABF’s financial support is supplemented by personal contact with beneficiaries, usually by phone, which both facilitates ongoing assessment of need and provides much appreciated pastoral service.

Who is eligible?
ABF support is available to all ASCL members, past and present and their dependents. Every case is considered on its merits and in complete confidence. If you know someone you think might benefit, please tell them about ABF.

If you think you might benefit yourself, please contact the ASCL hotline 0116 299 1122 or email for more information.

How can I help?
If you would like to make a financial contribution to ABF, please contact or download more information about contributing.

ABF Trustee application
The board of trustees seeks to fill a vacancy and welcomes expressions of interest from members, including Associates. For more information and to apply, please see this page


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ASCL Benevolent Fund

  • Benefits
  • ASCL
  • Benevolent
  • Associates