KS4 June checking exercise 2024: FAQs

June 2024

Following questions raised during our Team ASCL June checking exercise webinar on 11 June (see recording below), the DfE has provided us with a useful list of FAQs. These are listed below the video link. 

Access the presentation

If you have any questions not covered in the responses below, please contact the Check Your Performance Measures Data (CYPMD) Helpline on 0300 131 2762 or ASCL members can call the ASCL Hotline

Pupils assigned a code B at the end of KS2 are pupils who were assessed as working below the overall standard of the KS2 tests. These pupils should have received KS2 teacher assessed outcomes instead of tests results. For the purposes of calculating Progress 8, teacher assessed outcomes are assigned nominal scaled scores. Further detail can be found in the section on measurement of prior attainment in the Secondary Accountability Guidance

No, a police email is not the same as a police report. However, if you cannot provide a police report, but do have an email from a police officer that provides incident details, bail restrictions and incident number, please provide this to support your request. We will consider all evidence provided, up to the first six pages. 

Additional question: for pupils admitted from abroad with English not the first language, do we need evidence for points 1 to 5 or is it acceptable to just have that as information? i.e. do we need evidence of country origin or is it acceptable to simply list that country?

In the ‘Admitted from abroad with English not first language’ category, you do not need to provide evidence in most cases, information will be sufficient. 

However, if the pupil does not fulfil all of the criteria listed in points 1 to 5 on page 22 of the 2024 KS4 June Checking Exercise Guidance you will need to provide evidence to support the exceptional circumstances you would like us to consider. 

Examples of evidence to support exceptional circumstances are listed in points 6 to 9 on page 22 of the above guidance.

Here is the link to the Check Your Performance Measures Data (CYPMD) Help Centre where schools and colleges can access all communications and guidance: Check Your Performance Measures Data (education.gov.uk)

The KS4 June pupil CSV guidance is available on the Check Your Performance Data (CYPMD) Help Centre.

All DfE Sign-In account holders can access CYPMD, you do not need to be added to a service.

No. It is not possible to amend multiple pupils/students at the same time, but we will consider this as part of future requirements.

Yes, the extended three-year criteria will also apply during the KS2 checking exercise. 

Any evidence that exceeds six pages will not be considered. It is therefore important that within the six pages of evidence you provide, you include the most relevant evidence available to you. In this scenario we recommend removing any wording from the minutes which do not support your request and result in you exceeding the six-page limit, for example duplicate lists of meeting attendees, or lots of detailed information about siblings.

Pupils are identified as being at the end of KS4 if they were on roll at the school and in Year 11 at the time of the 2024 spring (January) school census. 

These pupils will be listed in the CSV file with a pupil inclusion status flag (P_INCL) 402, indicating they will not be included in the calculation of performance measures data.

Please see the 2024 KS4 June Checking Exercise Guidance or the 2024 KS4 June CSV Guidance for more information. 

Individual amendment requests can be edited, information/evidence can be amended throughout the two-week checking exercise period. However, once your school’s ‘full return summary’ has been submitted, your school will no longer be able to request any further amendments to your data or amend any requests already made. 

Every case is unique, therefore unfortunately we are unable to provide further information. Depending on the circumstances, and the evidence available to you, it may be more suitable to make a request in the Terminal/Critical illness category, using the ‘Recent and life changing illness or injury’ option.

Please see the 2024 KS4 June Checking Exercise Guidance for information on the removal reasons, process and evidence requirements.

The KS4 June CSV file will not contain KS2 prior attainment.  KS2 prior attainment data will be available via Get Information About Pupils (GIAP) via DfE-Sign in.  

Changes and decisions on future years will be announced nearer the time, we cannot pre-empt any future ministerial decision. 

All DfE Sign-In account holders can access CYPMD, you do not need to be added to a service.

Please read the 2024 KS4 June Checking Exercise Guidance before attempting to add pupils. 

The Helpdesk contact information is available on the CYPMD Help Centre. The Helpdesk opening times are 9am - 5:30pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). The telephone number is 0300 131 2762.  

All DfE Sign-In account holders can access CYPMD, you do not need to be added to a service.

Any evidence that exceeds six pages will not be considered. It is therefore important that within the 6 pages of evidence you provide, you include the most relevant evidence available to you. In this scenario, if you have one piece of medical evidence, dated in 2024, which details that the illness or condition has been under investigation or diagnosed for at least 12 months before commencement of exams, plus details the current situation which has prevented the pupil from accessing education and/or sitting exams, you should use this evidence, as it would cover the two evidence requirements in the critical illness category in the one document.   

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