Academy Trust Handbook 2024

The ESFA published the updated Academy Trust Handbook on 31 July 2024.  It came into effect on 1 September 2024. Key changes include:

Part 1: Roles and Responsibilities
  • Moved content on register of business interests into this section (1.45 – 1.48)
  • Reminding trusts the importance of digital and technology standards (1.16)
Part 2: Main Financial Requirements
  • Emphasising that trusts’ reserves policy includes a clear plan for managing reserves (2.8)
  • Clarifying the position around when trusts must approach the ESFA for Electric Vehicle (EV) salary sacrifice schemes (2.31)
Part 3: Internal Scrutiny
  • Explaining which internal scrutiny options to be applied for trusts with annual revenue income of £50 million (3.16).  A “must” from 1September 2025.
  • Clarifying qualifications and/or experience for trustees and peer reviewers (3.17)
Part 5: Delegated Authorities
  • Confirming that trusts will be able to enter into finance leases where the lease category appears on the DfE approved list (5.25 – 5.26)
Part 6: The regulator and intervention
  • Clarifying that trusts take appropriate action to meet DfE’s cyber security standards (6.14)
  • Extended the list of examples where a Notice to Improve (NtI) may be issued to include management of the school estate (6.16)

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