Inspection of asbestos management in schools and trusts, 2022-23

30 September 2022

Information paper: The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will be carrying out a schedule of inspections of schools and trusts across England, Scotland, and Wales from September 2022 onwards. These will be single issue inspections carried out by HSE inspectors and focused on management of asbestos. ASCL expects the visits will be made by appointment.

The inspections will assess how schools manage the risks from asbestos within the school estate and meeting the duty to manage (DTM) requirements under Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR), with the aim of assessing the effectiveness of the management arrangements and the control measures in place across a range of school types. The regulations place duties on those with responsibility for the maintenance of work premises, including schools, to manage the risk from asbestos. For most schools, this will be the employer.

ASCL understands that schools will be selected on the basis that they have asbestos-containing material on the premises and to achieve a spread geographically across England, Scotland, and Wales.

Download the paper here

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