Funded training places and bursaries for careers leaders

28 May 2021

The Careers and Enterprise Company is offering school or college careers leaders the opportunity to participate in funded CPD Careers Leader Training. This training has no cost to your school or college, and upon completion, attracts a £1,000 bursary.
Since 2018, over 2,000 new and experienced careers leaders have benefitted from the funded training and established invaluable peer networks to share best practice in careers education.
The training is designed to help understand the careers leader role and develop knowledge across the four key areas of responsibility: leadership, management, co-ordination and networking. Careers leaders will develop essential skills and have access to free resources to help evaluate their school/college policies and practices, ultimately enhancing careers education provision and accelerating their school’s/college’s progress towards meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks.
To access this training, download the catalogue of providers that offer the training, or register to access training and the £1,000 bursary.