NJC Support Staff Pay Award 2024/25

2024 Pay Claim
The NJC support staff unions submitted their pay claim for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 on 29 February 2024.

The claim is for the following:
  • An increase of at least £3,000 or 10% (whichever is greater) on all spinal column points.
In addition:
  • Reviews of the gender, ethnicity and disability pay gaps in local government.
  • A two-hour reduction in the working week with no detriment.
  • An additional day of annual leave for personal or wellbeing purposes (with term-time only staff also receiving a full day rather than a pro rata amount, that they can use at any time, including term time).
  • A phased approach to reaching a minimum pay rate of £15 an hour in a maximum of two years, sooner if possible.
You can read the full claim here.

The National Employers were carrying out stakeholder consultation during March before issuing their response to the pay claim.

2024 Pay Offer
On 16 May, the National Employers made a full and final offer in response to the pay claim. 

The Local Government Association (LGA) published details of the offer:

A pay increase of at least £1,290, which equates to 5.77 per cent for the lowest paid, from 1 April 2024.”

“For the lowest paid (currently earning £22,366 per annum), the offer means their pay will have increased by £5,323 (almost 30 per cent) over the three years since April 2021. For those on all pay points above the top of the pay spine, an offer of 2.50 per cent has been made

The formal pay offer can be read in full here