Moving to a senior leadership role presents many challenges and you'll undoubtly have lots of questions about establishing yourself as a member of the senior team whilst securing strong relationships with other members of staff, students/pupils and parents.
We are here to help with
information and advice on strategic leadership of specific areas that you may be taking responsibility for such as
curriculum or
accountability as well as broader leadership issues such as
governance and
If you want to check facts before a meeting or help understanding an area of school/college leadership that is new to you, we are
here to help.
You may find that many of your colleagues within the leadership team are already members of ASCL, however in the unlikely event that there is conflict between colleagues who are members, you can be assured that each member will receive independent advice and support which is in their best interest.
We provide confidential advice to help you as a new SLT member. Questions that you may not want to ask colleagues can be answered by our
Hotline Team, all highly experienced former school leaders.
If you have been part of SLT for a while, moving to ASCL gives you the very best union cover along with the security of knowing that the support you receive is specifically focussed on you as a senior leader.