Professional and legal support and representation

At ASCL we understand that the role of leaders in schools and colleges is incredibly rewarding, however, it can also be very challenging.

Every year, ASCL supports hundreds of members with help and advice on a wide range of topics and issues.

In many cases, a call to our hotline – staffed by experienced former school leaders – provides all the information and guidance required.

Sometimes, however, issues can be complex and take longer to resolve. In these cases, our regional and field officers, together with our specialist team, provide members with dedicated and more in-depth support, including input from our legal team as appropriate.

Our service is impartial, confidential and available to all our members, ensuring the support you receive is in your own best interests. 

It is always best if members contact us for advice sooner rather than later. Many situations benefit from a discussion early on and prompt action can often help prevent future difficulties arising.

ASCL members have access to:
  • our confidential, telephone Hotline available seven days a week, able to offer support on issues such as the outcome of inspections and the threat of redundancy
  • one-to-one support from experienced school leaders who are trained to listen, suggest, coach and guide
  • local support from a network of regional and field officers who are active negotiators and will look after individual members’ interests
  • individual support if managing conflict with a colleague who is also an ASCL member
  • legal advice and support from our team of in-house solicitors who specialise in education leadership and employment law
  • support from one of the UK’s leading legal firms
ASCL is unable to provide legal support for issues that arose before membership commenced.

Legal support - find out more

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Support for Members

  • Benefits
  • Membership

Member benefits

  • Benefits
  • Membership

Legal support

  • Benefits