Associates Social Activities

The ASCL Associates Committee organise regular events and reunion activities which are open to all Associate members.

Look out for details of upcoming social activities in Associates News


Meet the Associates

Meet the Associates

"I joined SHA in 1986 and then became a member of ASCL. I worked in comprehensive schools in London as a deputy headteacher and was encouraged to join by my head.

During my time as a full member working in schools I had roles on ASCL Council and was a district convener.

The most important things about Associate membership to me is the support and sense of companionship. I also continued to benefit from the professional support and information in my role as a school governor post-retirement.

I am now deputy editor of Associates News, a member of the Associates Committee and a trustee of the ASCL Benevolent Fund.

I have also been involved in the ASCL Associates Voluntary Service and have supported members in various challenging situations.

Being an Associate member has also allowed me to attend information seminars which has been very useful.

I would encouraging any member approaching retirement to become an Associate member. I will help to keep a professional link and offers social activities and other opportunities to stay involved with the education community."

Christine Shellard

