March 2025
(including the results of our recent Teacher Tapp survey about the impact of social media, independent representation opportunity at ASCL, VAT legal action, HMRC/VAT penalty notices, registration and preparing returns, Non-Domestic Rates Bill, business leader CPD, SEND survey results, Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill, safeguarding mandatory reporting, teacher shortages, reasonable force and other restrictive interventions guidance, norovirus resources and toolkit, Curriculum and Assessment Review, Ofqual updates, HE and UCAS)
February 2025
(including summary of ASCL Council, Annual Conference, ASCL 150 heritage, SEND, currriculum, safeguarding, attendance and regulatory compliance, stautory attendance codes - study leave, DfE guidance on procuring SEND education placements and services, AI guidance, VAT update, VAT registration reminder, environmental matters)
January 2025
(including an update on the latest challenges around the impact of VAT on fees, PAC report on SEND, Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill, ASCL Annual Conference 2025, Curriculum and Assessment Review, safeguarding and KCSIE updates, material change inspections, SEND, inspection, teacher training, AI in education, Futures Thinking, Ofqual updates, VAT reminders, HMRC, post-16 qualifications, upcoming DfE webinars, ASCL EDI Leaders' Network meetings)
For past editions, please see the archive pages on the left menu bar or contact