ASCL Cymru comment on submission of evidence to IWPRB

Claire Armitstead, Director of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) Cymru,comments following ASCL Cymru’s submission of evidence to the to the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body (IWPRB).
As our evidence demonstrates, there is a clear need for a fully funded, above inflation pay increase in order to begin restoring the real-terms value of teacher and school leader pay.
“The erosion of pay since 2010 has clearly impacted on the recruitment and retention of teachers and school leaders. Staff shortages, and a lack of other resources, represent a very real threat to the Welsh Government’s national mission of high standards and aspirations for all. It is vital that schools are able to attract the best graduates, and for this to happen salaries must be comparable to similar roles in other professions. 
“Alongside this, concerns around workload and wellbeing must be adequately addressed in order to halt the ongoing teacher exodus in Wales which undermines attempts to recruit new teachers into the profession.
“Above all, Welsh Government must ensure that local authorities pass on sufficient funding so that all schools can fully meet the cost of the pay award. Many schools are already in deficit and must be able to implement the pay award without this having any negative impact on provision.

You can read ASCL Cymru’s full submission here