ASCL comment on Liberal Democrats General Election manifesto

Pepe Di’Iasio, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, responds to the publication of the Liberal Democrats’ General Election manifesto, including their plans for education.
“It’s really encouraging that there are plans to address some of the biggest challenges facing the education system within this manifesto. Tackling child poverty needs to be a priority for the next government and extending free school meals is an important first step.
“Increasing revenue and capital funding, as well as extending the pupil premium, will help ensure schools and colleges can continue to provide a high standard of education to all of their pupils, in buildings that are fit for purpose. Fair and fully funded pay rises for teachers, and reforming Osted inspections by scrapping single-phrase judgements, will help address the crisis in recruitment and retention.
“The most important thing about this manifesto is the recognition of the need to invest in education, as this is an investment in young people and the future of the country. The next government simply has to correct the mistakes and underfunding of the past.”