ASCL comment on NAO report on improving educational outcomes for disadvantaged children

Pepe Di’Iasio, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, responds to a report from the National Audit Office (NAO), examining whether the Department for Education is achieving value for money through its funding to support the attainment of disadvantaged children.
“The lack of progress made in closing the disadvantage gap is incredibly disappointing and it is right for this to be scrutinised. It’s important to look carefully at the national funding formula and pupil premium to ensure the levels of funding are sufficient but also being used in a way that helps enable every child and young person to succeed. They need to reflect the varying levels of disadvantage across distinct communities in different parts of the country and also consider the needs of pupils living in persistent poverty.

“We agree with the need to work across government to tackle this pressing issue and that there is an urgent need for a national, cross-government child poverty strategy. We are pleased to see that the new government has set up a child poverty unit in the Cabinet Office, and also convened a taskforce on this issue. We also support the recommendation to monitor whether schools are able to fund tutoring following the end of the National Tutoring Programme and to provide further support to schools if necessary.”