ASCL comment on calling of General Election 

Pepe Di’Iasio, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, responds to the calling of a General Election for 4 July.
Whoever forms the next government will have the opportunity to invest in education and set a course towards a brighter future. All political parties should make it a priority in their manifesto to commit to providing schools and colleges with the funding and staff they require to deliver a great education for all children and young people. 
“Education is vital for the life chances of the next generation, as well as for ensuring the prosperity of our country by providing the workforce with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive. For too long education has been seen as a drain on current resources, rather than an investment in future success. Over the next few months, all parties and candidates will have the chance to right this wrong and we urge them to grasp that opportunity.” 

“We look forward to working with all parties in the best interests of children and young people