ASCL responds to OCR’s review of 11-16 education

Pepe Di’Iasio, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, comments on OCR’s review of the 11-16 curriculum and assessment in England, chaired by Charles Clarke.
“We have become a nation that is hooked on exams, and this report resonates with many concerns raised by school and college leaders. The excessive volume and intensity of GCSEs, as reformed by the last government, is completely unnecessary for the purpose of aiding progression. It creates significant exam anxiety among students, with a detrimental impact on their mental health, and is particularly challenging for those with additional needs.

“OCR’s proposals to reduce the length, number and content of assessments, and to reform GCSE English and maths, are spot on. We’re pleased also with the recognition that reform should happen incrementally as it is vital that education staff are not overwhelmed by rapid changes.

“These recommendations align closely with many of our own conclusions and proposals for reforms that better serve all learners while maintaining the integrity of exams. We hope they will be reflected in the recommendations of the curriculum and assessment review when its report is published in 2025.”