ASCL response to Labour’s plan for 3,000 school-based nurseries

Pepe Di’Iasio, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, comments on Labour’s plan to create more than 3,000 new school-based nurseries.
“Labour has come up with a plan that makes a lot of sense by using the spare capacity in primary schools due to falling birth rates to create more on-site nurseries.

“Many primary schools already run nurseries very successfully, and these plans have the potential to build on this by creating more childcare provision with a strong focus on early years education.

“But to realise this potential it is important that nursery places are sufficiently funded for all children and that this includes improving access to those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

“Gaps in educational attainment start very early in life and if we are ever to get a grip of this issue and improve outcomes for all young people this must be the starting point for more action.

“It is also essential that nurseries and other early years settings are staffed by high-quality practitioners, who are paid appropriately for the important job they do.

“We look forward to hearing more about how Labour plans to increase the number of skilled early years staff.”