ASCL supplementary evidence to STRB’s 34th Remit

Following consideration of the evidence of other statutory consultees, we have now submitted our supplementary evidence to the STRB. 
Much of our supplementary evidence was in response to the DfE’s evidence to the STRB. We have also challenged the Department’s claims on affordability and highlighted our concerns on the variances at individual school level.

In addition, we have also responded to some of the suggestions made by other consultees in relation to pay, recruitment and retention.

ASCL, along with Community, NAHT, NASUWT and NEU, also submitted a joint statement to the STRB, highlighting the significant areas where we are united in our views, including the need for an undifferentiated, above-inflation pay increase to address the real terms damage to teacher and school leader pay since 2010. You can read the press release and joint statement here.

You can read our supplementary evidence here. We will be meeting with the STRB in April to give further evidence.