Additional submission: Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill call for evidence

Additional submission by ASCL on Clause 21: Free breakfast club provision. 
ASCL made a written submission to the Bill Committee on 27 January, setting out our views on all the clauses in part two of the Bill. In that submission, we said that the timing of the call for evidence meant that we had not yet been able to discuss the details of the proposals in full with ASCL Council, our policymaking body of elected members. We wanted to ensure our views could be heard as early as possible in the committee’s deliberations, and so sent in our submission ahead of the next meeting of Council. 

Council met on 6 and 7 February, and endorsed all the points we made in our submission. They also asked us to make some further points on Clause 21: Free breakfast club provision. This additional submission therefore does this. 

Full response to consultation