Developing the new Curriculum for Wales

ASCL Cymru response to the consultation on the Welsh Government’s progress in developing the new Curriculum for Wales

ASCL has been a strong supporter of the proposed changes to the direction of travel for Welsh education first outlined in Professor Donaldson’s “Successful Futures” report of 2015. Since that time, many schools led by ASCL members have enthusiastically participated in the preparations for a new curriculum, as Pioneer Schools, and have engaged with government officials and the consortia to help make it happen.

It is clear from feedback from our members that there is still a gap in preparedness between the Pioneer Schools and some others who are not. This position is highly variable across Wales and depends to a significant extent upon the willingness of both the middle tier to lead and manage these significant changes, the willingness of both the Pioneer Schools to share their experiences, and also the non-Pioneer schools to engage with what is going on. In the best cases this sharing of new ideas is happening well, in some others, non-Pioneer schools may feel they are left waiting and area as a result uninformed. In some schools, where hard-pressed leaders are struggling to absorb the range of changes in a system of narrow accountability that has impacted upon processing reforms there is still a long way to go.

Read the full response here.