Emotional and mental health of children and young people in Wales

A consultation response from ASCL Cymru

ASCL Cymru has been fully supportive of the increased emphasis given to the emotional and mental health of children and young people, and supports the principles outlined in the T4CYP programme.

Our responses below are based on feedback from members, and inevitably are not necessarily statistically reliable, nor are they able to respond to all the questions you ask to be considered. However, they do represent first-hand experiences of the system and outline a number of concerns that are recurrent and consistently raised.

The overwhelming response from our members, though is that whilst there is an abundance of good intention with relation to this issue, there is a significant lack of consistency in its delivery across Wales. This lack of consistency has resulted in a real “postcode lottery”, and means that whilst some young people may be well supported, others in a neighbouring authority are not.

Read the full response here.