Further education Initial Teacher Training reform

ASCL response to government consultation on further eduction (FE) Initial Teacher Training (ITT) reform. 
ASCL welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this consultation, which sets out proposals to improve the quality of initial teacher training (ITT) for the FE sector. Publicly funded ITT must help to create a strong supply of new teachers to the FE sector, particularly where vacancies are hard to fill.

ASCL also welcomes the fact that, over the longer term, the DfE is considering the use of legislative powers to support a sustainable, quality-focused teacher training system for FE by making proposals for a system of accreditation for FE ITT providers, to improve the quality and breadth of data and evidence on the FE ITT system, leading to statutory guidance for publicly funded FE ITT providers.

Our members tell us that pre-service students who have come to them from private training providers have sometimes been unprepared to teach effectively in the sector and have required significant re-training. Colleges as employers must have confidence that the quality of FE initial teacher training is high and assists the FE sector to contribute towards its improvement. 

Full response to consultation