ASCL welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this IfATE consultation on the EQA framework.
We agree that quality is central to the reform of apprenticeships and we acknowledge that every apprentice who completes their apprenticeship standard must undertake a holistic, independent end point assessment (EPA) to confirm they have achieved occupational competence. We also acknowledge that the assessment should be delivered by an independent end point assessment organisation (EPAO) which is selected by the employer. This external quality assessment (EQA) ensures that quality, relevance and reliability of assessment is achieved, wherever and whenever assessment is undertaken and that in meeting the needs of employers, the EPA, achieves consistency, validity and reliability of delivery, process and outcomes as specified in the apprenticeship standard and assessment plan.
We acknowledge that the above is important to ensure that employers are confident that anyone who completes an apprenticeship is competent in the occupation for which they have been trained. The EQA experience for apprenticeships should be of high quality, be fair and be of the same standard whichever EPAO conducts the assessment.
Full response to consultation