ASCL welcomes the opportunity to make a written response to the proposals to remedy the transitional arrangements to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) statutory underpin, following the Court of Appeal’s ruling in the McCloud and Sargeant case.
This response is primarily submitted on behalf of school business leaders and bursars, as these are the category of ASCL member who are in the LGPS*.
ASCL is concerned that the cost of the remedy will be incurred by the LGPS individual schemes and therefore ultimately funded by member and/or employer contributions. The implementation of these remedies will be expensive. The scheme (administrators, members, employers) is not at fault and should not incur costs to fund a remedy to an illegality not of its making. This leads to real concern about cost pressures incentivising alternatives to the scheme.
Full response to consultation
* customised responses have been submitted to devolved jurisdictions as appropriate