National standards for personal, social, and employability qualifications

ASCL response to the DfE consultation on national standards for personal, social, and employability qualifications.
ASCL welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this consultation. We would like to make clear, however, that we do not automatically accept that centrally imposed national standards in Personal, Social and Employability (PSE) qualifications are the right way forward. National standards will not necessarily take account of all cultural or geographical aspects of PSE as they are currently taught in all regions of the United Kingdom. We believe it would be far better to support teachers in different regions to develop entry level PSE skills which will enable young people and adults to function well in their local communities first, and then help them to develop wider skills to progress in life and work in other parts of the UK or the wider world. This, of course, may require more teaching of other languages in schools and colleges.

Full response to consultation