Ofqual consultation on regulating performance table qualifications

The exams regulator Ofqual already has a general oversight of technical awards (such as Level 2 BTECs and OCR Nationals). This consultation was concerned with greater regulatory powers, such as the ability to specify assessment styles and weighting and, ultimately, to intervene in the allocation of grade boundaries.
Summary of ASCL’s response 

What is this consultation about? 
The exams regulator Ofqual already has a general oversight of technical awards (such as Level 2 BTECs and OCR Nationals). This consultation was concerned with greater regulatory powers, such as the ability to specify assessment styles and weighting and, ultimately, to intervene in the allocation of grade boundaries.

How did we respond? 
ASCL broadly welcomed this proposal. 

Why have we taken this view? 
We believe that technical awards are valuable qualifications. In the past, some politicians have taken a dim view of these qualifications. If the regulator has stronger powers to scrutinise technical awards, we believe that this will ensure that politicians are less inclined to intervene.

A key future development arising from this consultation is the ability of Ofqual to bring about greater alignment in standards across awarding organisations. In this respect, Ofqual’s proposals are too weak; we believe Ofqual needs to take urgent steps to align, for example, OCR National in ICT compared to the Pearson BTEC.

Download the full response to the consultation. 

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