Proposed updates to the mandatory qualifications criteria

ASCL response to the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) consultation on proposed updates to the mandatory qualifications criteria.
ASCL welcomes change to the assessment structure and the plan to ensure more apprentices complete their end point assessment and avoid the problem of them leaving before the end point assessment is taken. However, one size does not fit all, and the proposed changes may not fit all apprenticeships. The process also needs to be easy for employers, providers and EPAOs to work through.

Changes which simplify the assessment process and reduce the burden on learners are generally helpful, and could have a significant, positive impact on completion. The proposed change, including integration of mandatory qualifications, will mean the apprenticeship is closely linked to both the EPA and the qualification. However, we need to be sure that this is necessary for all apprenticeships and does not create an unnecessary burden for some. There are already a significant number of mandatory qualifications within an apprenticeship and, whilst integrating them may simplify the process of completion of some apprenticeships, it may not do so for all.

Full response to consultation

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