Regulating level 1 and 2 qualifications designed to lead to employment

ASCL response to Ofqual consultation on regulating level 1 and 2 qualifications designed to lead to employment. 
ASCL welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this consultation. Our response is based on the views of our members, obtained through discussions at ASCL Council, with relevant advisory groups, and prompted and unprompted emails and messages. 

When considering the impact of any proposals on different groups, it is ASCL’s policy to consider not only the nine protected characteristics included in the Equality Act 2010, but also other groups which might be disproportionately affected, particularly those who are socio-economically disadvantaged. We have answered any equality impact questions on this basis. 

ASCL is extremely concerned about the government’s plans to reduce the number of qualifications available to students at all levels. We appreciate that this consultation focuses on the regulation of a subset of those qualifications, rather than this policy decision in itself. We also agree that it is essential that funded qualifications are of a high quality, and have a clear purpose leading to good outcomes, including employment. We are concerned, however, that limiting the range of qualifications limits outcomes for employment. 

Full response to consultation