School attendance: improving consistency of support

ASCL response to government consultation on school attendance: improving consistency of support.
ASCL welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this consultation. 

Persistent absence increased to 16.3% in secondary schools in autumn 2020, compared with 15.0% in 2019, not including non-attendance in Covid-related circumstances.

The scale of the persistent absence problem and poor attendance are ‘post pandemic’ concerns that ASCL is concerned about. We are pleased therefore that the government has made this a priority and the focus of a working group of national leaders who are advocating for improvement – the Attendance Action Alliance. 

The consultation’s stated aim is to improve attendance. ASCL supports government guidance that strengthens relationships between those who play an essential role in supporting children and young people to attend school – schools, parents and the Local Authority. ASCL believes it is crucial for both safeguarding and academic attainment that children and young people attend school. 

Full response to consultation