Spending Review 2021

Submission of the Association of School and College Leaders to HM Treasury for the Spending Review 2021.
ASCL welcomes the opportunity to make a representation to HM Treasury. 

Our education system must prepare young people for life in a sustainable, digitised global community while continuing to equip them with the core skills, knowledge and understanding they need in their adult lives. The Department for Education’s (DfE) 2021-22 delivery plan states that "Education will be the driving force to help unleash Britain’s potential and build back better after coronavirus (COVID-19)". This can only be achieved if our education system is properly funded.

ASCL’s recently published Blueprint for a Fairer Education System  starts from the overarching principle that a wealthy, democratic country in the 21st century should support all its citizens to succeed. A priority outcome of the DfE delivery plan is a similar aim to "Level up education standards so that children and young people in every part of the country are prepared with the knowledge, skills, and qualifications they need". There are no quick fixes to achieving these goals; meaningful, sustainable change requires appropriate investment and targeted resource.

Full response to consultation