Spending Review 2025, Phase 2

ASCL submission to HM Treasury for the Spending Review 2025, Phase 2.
ASCL welcomes the opportunity to make a submission ahead of the Budget. Our submission is based on the views of our members, obtained through discussions at ASCL Council, with relevant advisory groups, and prompted and unprompted emails and messages. 

When considering the impact of any proposals on different groups, it is ASCL’s policy to consider not only the nine protected characteristics included in the Equality Act 2010, but also other groups which might be disproportionately affected, particularly those who are socio-economically disadvantaged. 

ASCL has a clear set of priorities for government to address. These include:
  • End child poverty
  • Rescue the special educational needs system
  • Address the education funding crisis for schools and colleges
  • Fix school and college buildings

In this submission, we provide evidence of why these are among our key priorities, and we attempt to bring our priorities to life and demonstrate impact through case studies.

Full response to consultation

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