Ideally all provision would be registered and appropriately regulated in all instances by the local authority (LA). However, ASCL recognises the resourcing challenges in enabling this to happen.
The government’s vision of alternative provision as an intervention, not a destination, is a good one. However, this must recognise that some children will require a longer offer of a particular provision than others.
It is important to ensure that regulation is proportionate, so that providers can operate, however small they are.
Despite the challenge of local regulation by the LA, provision must offer flexibility to meet needs.
There is a risk that if registration / regulation is over-burdensome on providers that offers such as therapeutic small animal care on a farm or other commercial setting will stop. Schools have no means of replicating such provision in their settings.
Schools and LAs (for children in care) must have sufficient resources to enable them to carry out this process and commission appropriate provision.
Full response to consultation