A response from the Association of School and College Leaders.
28/09/2017 00:00:00
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) announced it will undertake school inspections across England, Wales and Scotland from this September. The inspections are aimed at ensuring asbestos is being managed effectively in schools, in line with their duties under Control of Asbes...
15/09/2022 08:42:18
ASCL recognises the financial issues that the country is facing and the need for HM Treasury to prioritise spending allocations. However, we are equally aware of the critical importance of our education system to the country’s long-term prosperity.
19/10/2018 00:00:00
South East Council Representatives Name Position School/College/Trust Information Gurpall Badesha Deputy Headteacher Crofton School Chair, Curriculum and Assessment Committee 2022-24 Martyn Reah Headteacher The Hayling College Caroline Lowing ...
04/07/2019 14:33:52
05/03/2024 13:55:25
12/03/2024 16:03:13
28/04/2021 08:59:11
26/02/2024 17:18:06
02/05/2024 09:14:59
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