International Links

Discover more about the links that we have with organisations representing school and college leaders worldwide.

The phrase ‘We are all in this together’ may have lost some of its currency over recent years, but it still sums up why international links matter so deeply to all those who lead schools.

Whether it is to learn from international best practice, show solidarity with colleagues in contexts even more challenging than our own or just curiosity about what is happening somewhere else, school leaders have always sought to reach out beyond the boundaries of their own institution and their own country. When the National College for School Leadership existed, there were almost weekly visits from groups around the world seeking to learn from what was happening in this country and to share their own ideas and innovations.

In 2019 we have to work a little harder to maintain that two way dialogue with colleagues around the world, but that does not make it any less desirable or important.

As members of ASCL we have two starting points that we can use to engage with events beyond our own shores.

Through our own association we all belong to The International Confederation of Principals, the only group seeking to draw together school leaders from across the world. Their newsletters, which you can read via the links below, provide an insight into some of their projects, whether it be the worldwide drive for ethical leadership which was initiated by ASCL, attempts to improve the health and wellbeing of school leaders or supporting colleagues in parts of the world where schools are at the cutting edge of the drive for fairness and equity.

In a similar way, we all have a link to ESHA, the group representing European leaders and so have an opportunity to find out what is on the agenda of schools across our own continent.

Please take the opportunity to explore the work of these two organisations and so become part of the worldwide leadership conversation that they are seeking to foster.

Whether we lead a school in the UK, Australia, South Africa, China or anywhere else, in a very real sense we continue to be connected to each other’s stories and to have a huge amount to learn from one another.

Dr Peter Kent, Headteacher, Lawrence Sheriff School and ASCL Past President
Peter has been elected as ICP President for 2022 and 2023

European School Heads Association (ESHA)

Education during Covid-19:
  • In September 2020, the ESHA published their report The impacts and challenges of Covid-19 at the start of the new school year, based on ESHA members' responses on how different countries are dealing with the situation. The report is divided into three sections: Overview of the situation in primary schools, overview of the situation in secondary schools, and an overview of the general national situation in education. Read the report here
  • How several different education systems across Europe approached lockdown and the gradual re-opening of schools can be accessed via this series of podcasts
ICP Newsletter November 2020

ICP Newsletter July 2020

ICP Newsletter March 2020

ESHA magazine March 2020

ICP Newsletter December 2019

ICP Newsletter August 2019

ICP Newsletter April 2019

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  • Briefings

ASCL Blueprint

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  • Ethics
  • Equalities
  • Teaching
  • Independent