New careers guidance requirements
The Education (Careers Guidance in Schools) Act 2022 came into force on 1 September which means that schools must now secure independent careers guidance for pupils from Year 7 (previously it was from Year 8).
Provider Access Legislation (PAL) - new duties on schools
The legal obligation to allow vocational education and training providers into schools was also strengthened by the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022 which imposed a strengthened legal duty on secondary schools to provide pupils up to the age of 16 with at least six ‘encounters’ with external colleges and/or training providers. The new legislation bolsters the so-called Baker clause and requires schools to provide at least two encounters in school Years 8 or 9, and another two in Years 10 or 11. A further two must be offered in Years 12 or 13 but these are voluntary for sixth formers to attend.
This comes into force next January and the DfE has published a consultation setting out in more detail how this new legal duty will be enforced. The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) has the responsibility to ensure the new PAL runs smoothly. ASCL is working with the CEC to help schools understand their requirements.

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