ASCL Task and finish group report: Business leaders' pay, conditions and recognition

September 2022

Hayley Dunn, ASCL Business Leadership Specialist and Louise Hatswell, ASCL Conditions of Employment 
Specialist: Pay were asked by ASCL Council’s Conditions and Employment Committee, to lead a task 
and finish (T&F) group looking at the issues relating to business leaders’ pay, conditions and recognition.

This report summarises the scope of the group, what the group discussed, the findings, how information has been communicated to members, actions taken and next steps.

The T&F Group ran for a year through the 2021-22 academic year. 

The work of the T&F Group was premised by the findings in the ASCL 2021 Pay Survey and Building Block 2: Teachers and Leaders of the ASCL Blueprint for a Fairer Education System.

Read the report here

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Pay and conditions

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