ASCL Cymru supplementary evidence to the IWPRB 4th remit

30 March 2022

ollowing consideration of the evidence of other statutory consultees, we have now submitted our supplementary evidence to the IWPRB. 

Much of our supplementary evidence was in response to the Welsh Government’s evidence which proposed two potential scenarios for pay awards for September 2022 and September 2023. The proposal states that "these costs are based on scenarios applied evenly across pay ranges and allowances of:
  • 4.0 % from September 2022 and 2.5% from September 2023 (table 41) to match OBR projected overall average earnings forecasts; and
  • 4.0% in both years (table 42) which may allow for more flexibility if necessary following recommendations from the strategic review."
It is ASCL’s position that pay increases must be applied to all pay ranges and allowances and should be at least in line with RPI inflation, which the Welsh Government’s proposals clearly are not.

We also shared our dismay at the lack of an evidence submission from the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA).

You can read our supplementary evidence here. We will be meeting with the IWPRB in April to give further evidence.

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