Pay and conditions

*September 2023*
FAQs for ASCL members during periods of industrial action: see our FAQs here which cover England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

*November 2023*
NJC Support Staff 2023 Pay Award - visit our Pay and Conditions page here.

Adoption leave scheme

Advice on developing directed time budgets TNC 2020/01 (NB applicable to Northern Ireland only)
TNC 2020/1 - Directed Time Budgets 
ASCL NI representative sample of a time budget
ASCL NI guidance Time Budgets Northern Ireland 

Appendices (1) to salary policy guidance (DE)

Appendices (2) to salary policy guidance (DE)

TNC 2009-5 Career break scheme

TNC 2010/02 Career break scheme (addendum)  

Disposal of Records Schedule (Department of Education)

Facilities for representatives of recognised teachers' unions

Flexible working scheme

Guidance for board of governors on the formulation and implementation of salary policy

Health and Safety advice (EA)

Ill health retirement benefits and re-employment

Job share

Jordanstown Agreement

Leave of absence guidelines

Managing attendance

Maternity leave

Model school salary policy

Model Hospitality Policy for Schools

Parental leave scheme

Paternity leave

Performance review and staff development scheme TNC2014/1, and guidance notes for Governors and Principals

Performance review and staff development - guidance for governors and principals

Procedure for managing teacher redundancies 

School reorganisation agreement

TR153 Application for reorganisation allowance

TP5 Application for ill health retirement - medical form

Teachers absences not exceeding three working days (Circular 2014/18)

Teacher Attendance Procedure

Teachers' Pay and Allowances from 1 September 2018 (Circular 2020/04)

Teachers' Pay and Workload Agreement April 2000
Teachers' Pay and Workload Agreement, August 2020

NI Teachers' Pension Scheme (September 2020 McCloud Consultation)
DoF Public service pension schemes: changes to the transitional arrangements to the 2015 schemes - consultation 
DoF Public Service Pensions Leaflet
DfC The Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
NI Public Service Pension Schemes: Changes to the transitional arrangements to the 2015 schemes consultation - ASCL response

NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Factsheet - Ill health

Teachers' salaries and regulations NI

Temporary variation in contract

Termination of employment of teachers on grounds of ill health or capability

Workload Agreement including links to:
TNC 2011/8 
Appendix I: Guidance and advice on the allocation and operation of cover arrangements
Appendix II: Model school cover policy
Appendix III: Time budgeting
Appendix IV: Directed time budget sample pro-forma 

Agreement between management and trade union side of the Teachers' Negotiating Committee

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