ASCL response to the DfE consultation on national standards for personal, social, and employability qualifications.
20/05/2024 00:00:00
30 July 2024 Special bulletin: Chancellor's Statement on 29 July 2024 19 July 2024 (including our response to the King's Speech, teachers' pay update, suspensions and exclusions statistics, curriculum and assessment review, BFR (academy trusts only), NJC support staff...
03/09/2024 11:53:43
29/10/2024 11:25:30
11/12/2024 14:35:11
09/01/2025 13:48:06
21/02/2025 13:29:32
Teachers pay and conditions of service in community schools are governed by the STPCD and Burgundy Book. Academies and Independent Schools are free to set their own terms and conditions of service. Teachers’ Pay and Conditions of Service
27/08/2019 11:20:31
Draft papers on bereavement Draft papers for ASCL Council October 2022 Ethics, Inclusion and Equalities Committee Bereavement advice for education staff when a student has died Bereavement advice for school and college leaders on how to support a colleague following a ...
26/09/2022 15:23:50
Collaborate or Die! Sajid Gulzar, CEO of Prince Albert Community Trust (PACT)
11/05/2023 10:52:31
26/02/2024 12:26:13
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