ASCL Conference on Addressing Disadvantage in Education

Etc Venues Monument London

Key outcomes
  • Explore key trends and research-led thinking to help develop effective strategies in your school, college or trust.
  • Understand more about the lived experience of pupils and how these impact on barriers to literacy and their subsequent access to the wider curriculum.
  • See how practitioners have reduced the gap in their settings with their approaches to effective transition from primary to secondary education.
  • Know how to write a more effective pupil premium strategy and ensure this is understood across your setting. 
  • Gain a greater understanding of how to lead this area in your school, college or trust, how to prioritise intervention strategies, and identify if they are working (and what to do if they’re not).
The Conference will help leaders across all types of education settings and phases understand the gap in terms of outcomes and opportunities between disadvantaged pupils and their peers, and help delegates develop strategies on how to improve outcomes in their own contexts.  

Using the latest research, our programme of speakers, all of whom are expert practitioners in their field, will ensure delegates leave with clarity and direction. The Conference will also feature case studies of successful practice and a session on how to write a clear pupil premium strategy that will underpin more effective disadvantage provision.

We are delighted one of our keynote speakers is Marc Rowland, a national expert on disadvantaged provision, will be speaking and has helped programme this event  to help leaders deal with some of the biggest challenges facing this area of school or college leadership. 
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Tiffnie Harris

Primary and Data Specialist

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Marc Rowland

Pupil Premium and Vulnerable Learners Adviser, Unity Schools Partnership

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Lee Owston HMI

National Director, Education

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Sue Watmough

Headteacher, Manchester Communication Academy

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Andrew Hill

Head of Partnerships, FFT Education

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Gurpall Badesha

Deputy Headteacher, Crofton School and Chair of ASCL Curriculum and Assessment Committee

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Thomas McMorrin

Headteacher, City Academy Whitehawk

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Vicky Leigh

Trust Leader for Families, Community and Partnerships, Greater Manchester Academies Trust

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Lisa Wise

Headteacher, Wilbury Primary School and Executive Lead for School Improvement, Children First Academy Trust

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Rob Carpenter

Trust Leader, Inspire Partnership and member of ASCL Council

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Professor Jonathan Sharples

Professorial Research Fellow, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)

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ASCL reserves the right to amend the programme should circumstances dictate. 

8.15am     Registration, exhibition and breakfast
9.00am     Welcome
Tiffnie Harris, ASCL Primary and Data Specialist
9.05am     A champion for each identified need? How will education need to think differently about intervention?    
Gurpall Badesha, Deputy Headteacher, Crofton School

Outlining the key findings from Tim Oates CBE’s report on Covid (Covid-19 Pandemic may be a thing of the past – it’s impact on schools is not), Gurpall will reflect on how this paper influences the thinking in her school plans and support for disadvantaged students and how successful deployment of staff can be used to ensure a sustainable impact. 
9.35am     Supporting disadvantaged students to thrive through social and academic inclusion
Marc Rowland, Pupil Premium and Vulnerable Learners Adviser, Unity Schools Partnership

Marc will outline the current state of play and provide information and solutions to ensure that pupils from low income families are able to thrive in all aspects of school life
10.15am     EEF’s new School’s Guide to Implementation
Professor Jonathan Sharples, Professorial Research Fellow, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)

Since it was launched in 2018, the EEF’s School’s Guide to Implementation has become one of its most popular resources. By shining a light on the process of implementation the guidance helps schools think about change in a more structured and purposeful way. It emphasises that implementation is fundamentally a collaborative and social process that is driven by how people think, behave, and interact. 
11.00am     Refreshments and exhibition
11.20am     Keynote
Lee Owston HMI, National Director of Education, Ofsted
11.50am     Rethinking Disadvantage: Narratives of resilience and possibility
Sue Watmough, Headteacher, Manchester Communication Academy
Vicky Leigh, Trust Leader: Family Partnerships, Greater Manchester Academies Trust

In this workshop, we will challenge conventional perceptions of disadvantage in education. We will explore how the term "disadvantage" often overlooks the strengths and resilience within families.
Highlighting the transformative work of MCA, we will showcase how tailored support empowers families, helping children thrive academically and personally. Case studies will illustrate the positive impact of this support, demonstrating how, with the right resources, all children—regardless of background—can excel in their educational journey. This session aims to inspire a rethinking of how we view and address disadvantage in education.
12.35pm     Lunch
1.20pm     Tackling the Disadvantage Gap: a Trust case study
Rob Carpenter, CEO, Inspire Partnership Trust

Rob will outline the context of the Inspire Partnership schools including the barriers, the challenges and strengths of the communities. He will provide examples of specific approaches to tackling the challenges and a summary of the impact of the work, as well as sharing ideas and takeaways for delegates to use in their schools.
2.05pm     Shadows of Inequality: Unveiling the Realities of Disadvantaged Pupils' Outcomes
Andrew Hill, Head of Partnerships, FFT Education

Through a careful examination of current research and FFT data, we will cast a spotlight on the urgent issue of educational disparities and their profound effects on disadvantaged pupils. We shed light on the realities faced by these students, highlighting the complex web of socio-economic, cultural, and institutional factors that contribute to their disproportionately poor outcomes in education. 

Furthermore, it aims to ignite a robust dialogue around forward-thinking solutions and strategic interventions designed to dismantle these barriers, championing the cause that every pupil, irrespective of their socio-economic background, deserves a fair shot at success. 
2.40pm     Refreshments
2.55pm     Transforming School Effectiveness
Thomas McMorrin, Headteacher, City Academy Whitehawk

Thomas will deliver a session on transforming school cultures and creating high-functioning organisations, and will focus on the positive impact that culture can have on children's achievement and sense of belonging.
3.25pm     From Principles to Practice: Designing and implementing an effective Pupil Premium strategy
Lisa Wise, Headteacher, Wilbury Primary School
Marc Rowland, Pupil Premium and Vulnerable Learners Adviser, Unity Schools Partnership

This practical session will focus on the development of a whole school positive culture and approach in addressing educational disadvantage. Leaders will come away with a clear intent which puts daily support and professional development of staff at every level at the heart of the strategy - the practitioner is the intervention!
You are encouraged to bring your own Pupil Premium strategy with you to work on during the workshop.
3.55pm     Final words
4.00pm     Conference close

Visit the following exhibitors at the conference



Members: £290+VAT 
Non-members: £310+VAT  

Group discount for two or more delegates:
Members: £260+VAT 
Non-members: £279+VAT

Special rate for delegates participating in our Leading Education Disadvantage Provision Programmes (Primary or Secondary): £250+VAT

This conference is suitable for primary, secondary and post-16 and college leaders in all settings, including those working in alternative provision and special schools.