ASCL Speaker booking

Our elected officers, General Secretary and policy specialists can add expert input to your event. Available to keynote addresses, panel contributions and workshops we can support your event with input on a wide range of topics.

With a reputation for extensive up-to-date knowledge and practical experience, our specialist team cover topics including:
  • funding
  • curriculum and assessment
  • accountability
  • inspection
  • governance
  • parliamentary issues
  • employment, pay and conditions
  • pensions
  • business leadership
  • post-16
  • primary education
  • independent education
To enquire about booking a member of our team to speak at your event, please complete the enquiry form below.
Leave black if unknown
Leave blank if unknown
Please indicate roles and types of organisation that delegates are from
Will your require our speaker to participate in Q&A?:

Will the media be in attendance?:

Is there an exhibition?:

Will accomodation be provided for the speaker?:

Please add more details about the event and the session that you wish to book the speaker for.
If different
ASCL Professional Development would like your permission to share your contact information and details of the events that you attend with ASCL. This will enable ASCL to keep your CPD record up-to-date and provide you with information about school leadership and the professional support that ASCL provides. Do we have your permission to do this?:

ASCL Professional would like to send you information about other professional development opportunities that may be of interest to you. Do we have your permission to do this?:

ASCL would like your permission to send you information relating to school and college leadership and the services and support that we provide. Do we have your permission to do this?:

ASCL would like your permission to send your information from other organisations about products and services that you may be interested in. Please note that these messages will be sent by ASCL, we never share your information with third parties. Do we have your permission to do this?:

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  • ASCL
  • About
  • Council

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  • ASCL
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