ASCL Curriculum Conference 2025

This year’s Curriculum Conference will focus on preparing for the future and managing change. Our keynote speaker will be Professor Becky Francis, who will talk though the interim report of the Curriculum and Assessment Review and its implications, and what to expect from the final report in the autumn term.

We’ll also focus on the planned changes to the Ofsted framework and the introduction of school report cards, and what this might mean for curriculum planning going forward. The current government are committed to ensuring that all students access a broad and balanced curriculum at every key stage, and we’ll explore what this means in practice.

Practitioner-led sessions will focus on implementing curriculum change with fidelity, the role of curriculum-leads within a school or college, as well as how schools and colleges are balancing the dual requirements of depth and memorisation of subject knowledge, with a breadth both within subjects and between subjects.

The conference will also consider how schools and colleges plan and fund a rich co-curricular offer that helps close the disadvantage gap and promote social justice for all learners.
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Tom Middlehurst

Deputy Director of Policy

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Professor Becky Francis CBE

Chair of the Curriculum and Assessment Review, and CEO, Education Endowment Foundation

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Members: £290+VAT 
Non-member: £310+VAT

Group discount (2 or more delegates)
Members: £260+VAT
Non-members: £279+VAT

This conference is suitable for curriculum leads, DHTs and HTs and principals with an interest in curriculum, working in all phases of education.