Leading On - Understanding more about the impact of the menopause in the workplace

Session overview: 
  • What is peri/menopause?  Understanding the terminology and who this affects.  
  • What are the symptoms? 
  • What needs to change and what can be done to support women going through the peri/menopause?   
  • What can you do? 
  • Signposting to further sources of information and support. 
Everyone knows, or will know, a relative, friend or colleague at work who is going through the perimenopause or menopause and so proper understanding of this stage of life is crucial.  

As the fastest growing demographic in the workplace, with significantly more women in leadership positions than in the past, it’s vital that employers encourage open discussions to ensure they get the right support in place to fulfil their legal and moral duties, as well as aid retention.  With approximately 40 different possible symptoms, each woman’s experience is unique, which makes a ‘one size fits all’ approach to support impossible.  And yet, supporting these usually highly experienced staff, in the right way for them, can also help stem the loss of valuable skills and experience from the workplace.  

In this session we will deepen understanding of the peri/menopause, especially among those who are either not yet experiencing it, or never will, so they can best support themselves, and/or those around them, to ensure an environment is created where everyone feels they belong. 
speaker thumbnail
Nicky Bright

Founder and Leadership Development Consultant, Bright Lead

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£55 + VAT 

Details of the Leading On Full Package are available here.  

Participants will:  

  • better understand who the peri/menopause affects, and the impact the many symptoms may have up on each individual
  • better understand what peri/menopausal women can do to support themselves, and how the organisation can better support them in their workplace to retain their experience, wisdom and productivity
  • have increased understanding of where to find sources of support and information to benefit the organisation and signpost to staff

  • Executive Head, CEO, Headteacher/Principal ​
  • Deputy Head/Vice Principal ​
  • Assistant Head/Assistant Principal  ​
  • Aspiring leaders ​
  • Middle leaders/HODs/Subject Specialists ​
  • Business leaders ​
  • Governors ​and trustees