Health and wellbeing

Managing your Imposter Syndrome

You may have experienced Imposter Syndrome yourself or know of other school leaders who do. It’s that sense of self-doubt, feeling a fraud.  It can feel debilitating and undermine your confidence, your ability to make decisions and your own self-worth. It can add to the stress of early stage leadership. Imposter Syndrome is common so it’s worth developing a strategy, a toolkit, that you will be able to call on if you experience it.

Carol Jones, Chair of Leading Women’s Alliance, former Secondary HT, Director of Leading Women Education Ltd


Additional Resource  

How to promote Health and Wellbeing in Schools

This session will introduce some core principles and approaches to develop wellbeing in the school environment. The session will cover how to develop school culture through reflective approaches across all parts of the system. It will cover partnership systems and approaches with pupils, parents, carers and other external partners. It will also explore the benefits and systems for reflective practice sessions with staff.

Nell Nicholson, Nell Nicholson Consulting


Leading a whole school approach to positive emotional health (2 part series)

Positive mental health and wellbeing is central to a child’s academic success and a happy adult life. A whole school approach in promoting this must be a priority for schools. Key drivers have been statutory guidance such as Keeping Children Safe in Education and Promoting children and young people’s emotional health and well-being.

Heather Daulphin, Consultant


Wellbeing for you and your whole team

Get burnout-busting techniques for you and your staff that will make an immediate impact on morale and energy. You’ll also get a chance to focus on the wellbeing culture of your whole school.
There’s only so much we can get into this webinar, so Pam will also be sharing digital materials she has created for you to use back at school, to boost energy, engagement and build a culture focused on wellbeing.

Pam Burrows, People Booster

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