Post-16 and FE

Working with Employers

The Government has announced 37 out of 38 designated employer representative bodies and set out the terms and conditions of that designation, with a focus on developing local skills improvement plans (LSiPs). However, education and training providers play a key role in supporting and responding to those LSiPs. This webinar will focus on the key activities required to work with employers and respond to their needs in an ever-changing skills landscape.

Simon Cook, Principle Midkent College



Developments in Higher Education – The new Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) measures and impact on HE in FE colleges.

This webinar will look at the key developments in higher education from a quality perspective. Higher education, and particularly degree apprenticeships, are gaining a lot of interest amongst employers, apprentices and providers. The Skills Minister, Robert Halfon, sees degree apprenticeships as a way of achieving the Government’s vision for skills.

Dr Anne Murdoch OBE ASCL Senior Advisor College Leadership
Fadia Clarke, Deputy Principal, Study Programmes and Quality. London South East Colleges


New to Head of Sixth Form (updated for 2023)

This webinar will cover the changing 16-19 curriculum landscape, 16-19 data & accountability, sixth form funding, the latest in changes to the university applications process and what is happening to apprenticeship and other employment destinations.
There will also be a bit of crystal-ball gazing at what might be coming down the track.

Kevin Gilmartin, ASCL Post-16 and Colleges Specialist 
