Running an Education Book Club: Making CPD Resources Work in The Classroom
In this webinar Dave Tushingham & Rhiannon Rainbow look at the process and benefits of setting up an educational book club, where the sessions connect directly with a diverse range of authors from primary, secondary and higher settings. Appreciating the importance of pedagogical practice being evidence informed, we look at the intent, the possible implementation of a book club and the impact it may have on the quality of teaching in the classroom.
Rhiannon Rainbow, Greenshaw Learning Trust
Dave Tushingham, Blaise High School
Literacy and Reading
ASCL Curriculum, Assessment and Inspection Specialist, Tom Middlehurst will focus on literacy and reading in an Ofsted inspection, including what schools should have in place and questions that may be asked in a reading deep dive. Tom will also focus on what this looks like in Key Stage 3 and what inspectors will be looking for.
ASCL Primary and Data Specialist Tiff Harris will then look at how primaries and secondaries can ensure they are working together effectively to ensure the effective delivery of literacy as pupils move from Key Stage 2 into Key Stage 3. Tiff will also talk about national data and where patterns are emerging and what school leaders could consider in their literacy strategies.
Finally, Richard Howes, Education Challenge Lead at Dorset Council, will share some effective practice across a range of schools, providing ideas for developing literacy and reading.
Tiffnie Harris, ASCL Primary and Data Specialist
Tom Middlehurst ASCL Curriculum, Assessment and Inspection Specialist
Richard Howes, Education Challenge Lead, Dorset
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A Whole School Approach to Academic Language
This session will explore what academic language is and why explicit, consistent, and accessible teaching and learning of it is crucial for learners who speak EAL or have SEND, yet helpful for every learner within the classroom.
Anna will provide practical suggestions to increase the consistency with which academic language is taught effectively across a school, suggesting ways to develop teacher confidence and application of this through long- and medium-term planning and assessment frameworks. Anna will also examine the role of teaching assistants, EAL teachers and withdrawal lessons and how to maximise the impact of academic language teaching and learning to support EAL learners who are new to English.
Anna Leaman, EAL Inclusive Teaching and Learning Consultant