Leading AI in Education: A workshop for school and college leaders

Embrace the power of AI and prepare for the future.

*This online event is specifically designed for colleagues working in Welsh schools. We are also hosting events in London on 30 September for colleagues based in English schools and colleges, and in Belfast on 7 October for those based in Northern Ireland.*

"Comprehensive coverage of opportunities and challenges offered by AI in education."
​(Delegate feedback, 2024) 

Our expert speakers will guide you through the AI landscape and provide invaluable insights and practical strategies to help you: 
  • understand AI's potential for personalised learning and teacher support
  • develop a purpose-driven AI strategy that addresses ethical challenges
  • select appropriate AI tools and integrate AI concepts into your curriculum
  • enhance AI literacy among staff and students
  • prepare for the future of work and AI’s impact on society and education
Join us for our new series of three webinars with our co-hosts EDUCATE Ventures Research, AI in Education, and Canopy Education CIC.

The event has been split into three twilight live webinars, which will take place on Zoom. The first webinar will be on 2 July from 4.00pm to 5.30pm. Dates for webinars 2 and 3 will be set in the autumn term and will be confirmed shortly.

If you are unable to attend live, each session will be recorded and made available to watch at a time that suits you.

Webinar 1 - 2 July, 4pm delivered by Professor Rose Luckin, Professor at University College London, and Founder of Educate Ventures Research
Webinar 2 -16 September, 4pm delivered by Richard Beeson, Digital Education & AI Lead, The Howard Partnership Trust
Webinar 3 - 26 September, 4pm delivered by Andrew Caffrey, CEO Canopy
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Rob Robson

ASCL Trust Leadership Consultant

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Professor Rose Luckin

Professor at University College London and Founder of Educate Ventures Research (EVR)

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Andrew Caffrey

CEO, Canopy

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Richard Beeson

Digital Education & AI Lead, The Howard Partnership Trust

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Booking is for all three webinars at a cost of £150+VAT per person.

Suitable for school, college and trust leaders who are interested in the use and deployment of AI.