Leading On - Attendance strategy, impactful action

Do your staff know what and how to contribute to improving attendance and reducing persistent absenteeism? Improving attendance and reducing persistent absenteeism requires a comprehensive strategic approach, and also requires all staff to have absolute clarity in their roles and responsibilities. Translating strategy into impactful daily, weekly and half termly actions can be a challenge.

The range of actions which drive impact are many and varied, however, robust, clear, manageable process and procedures will ensure that optimal impact is achieved.

In this webinar, possible actions within multiple job roles will be considered and how these actions dovetail together to create a supportive whole school culture.

Carolyn is a school leader, SENCO and school improvement officer for improving attendance with experience of working with local authorities and partner agencies. 
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Carolyn Harkness

Deputy Head and SENCO of an inner-city primary school

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Participants will: 

  • increase their knowledge of impactful actions within all job roles in schools
  • understand how good quality actions create a culture of consistent attendance in school
  • feel positive and confident that clarity for all school practitioners will support an optimistic atmosphere in this challenging area

Suitable for the following roles in primary, secondary, special schools and PRUs:

  • Deputy Head/Vice Principal 
  • Assistant Head/Assistant Principal      
  • Aspiring leaders 
  • Middle leaders/HODs/Subject Specialists 
  • Governors