Leading On - Performing under pressure

Pressure is a given in schools, whether you are a classroom teacher, a middle leader or on the senior leadership team. There are deadlines to meet, high expectations, and we all want to do the best job we can. In addition, we work in a constantly changing context, where people can struggle, crises large and small occur and emotions can run high. 

Senior leaders in education face pressure, whatever their school context. What helps in the moment, and longer term? What can they do to help themselves and their teams? 
Drawing on Dr Dudin's professional experiences of middle and senior leadership in several schools, and on theories and approaches from a range of experts, this webinar will explore how leaders in medicine, the military, performance sport and executive coaching survive and thrive under pressure.

Delegates will consider three aspects of performance under pressure for leaders:
  • core concepts
  • what you can do to improve your individual performance
  • how you can support others in your immediate and broader teams 
speaker thumbnail
Dr Leo Dudin

Deputy Head Academic, Oakham School

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Participants will learn:

  • core concepts: pressure models and control mechanisms; acute and chronic pressures in schools; minimising fragility and developing resilience; grit, flow and antifragility benefits
  • individual performance: routines, habits and ways of thinking that help high performers in education and beyond
  • team performance: team development and dynamics; task, team and individual foci; how to avoid burnout and promote teacher engagement; the importance of belonging and connection in modern schools

Executive Head, CEO, Headteacher/Principal 
Deputy Head/Vice Principal 
Assistant Head/Assistant Principal        
Aspiring leaders 
Middle leaders/HODs/Subject Specialists 
Business Leaders 

Teaching phase:
All through 
Post-16 / FE 

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